Hi David, I really like a lot about this new site. My only issue to date is about the order of appearance for the galleries. I am not a fan of the first image listed is the last one commented on. I know a lot of other sites do this as well, but many people won’t scroll far enough to see and/or comment on other images who may not have received any or just a couple of comments. Is there any way you would consider changing this to listing the latest image posted instead of the last image commented on?
I agree with Kurt, not enough images appear on screen at one time without scrolling. I think this will lead to lots of comments on a smaller number of images, and not many comments on images that quickly drop off the screen in the current format.
I know it’s kind of old-fashioned, but as a member of NPN prior to the change, I’m sort of missing the grid view of thumbnails. With that format you could see more images at one time. I used to make it a point to comment on images that hadn’t received as many comments, and now you have to scroll more to find them.
Good point gentlemen! I hadn’t thought about that until there were a lot of posts. I’ve changed the Landscape Gallery as a test, it will now sort by post time rather than by replies, let me know what you think and I will change this on all the galleries and critique forums. Of course this doesn’t affect latest/new/unread, it only works if you go directly to that category.
The grid is not possible with this system, so I’m afraid that’s something we all just have to get used to.
I could also automatically bump topics in the critique section that have not received replies, sound like a good idea?
Thanks David, I think the “sort by post time” approach will help a lot. I suspected the grid view was not possible, so I just have to change my habits to scroll more. To be fair, this issue only became more important as the traffic in the landscape forum has increased, a nice problem to have that I’ll take any day…
I’m not as sure about automatically bumping un-viewed posts in critique, a small number of “straggler posts” may hang around too long as a result. Hopefully over time enough people will take it upon themselves to comments on these types of posts.
I’ve changed all the gallery and critique forums to this sorting. I am also going to try auto bumping topics in critique forums that have no replies and see how it goes.
Thanks David! I’m also not sure about bumping topics with no or few replies. I would hope we can keep it consistent just by time so no one is guessing why a post is still at the top. Thanks for listening to us and accepting feedback.
Something isn’t working correctly based on your statement of bumping images in critiques with no replies. Take a look at the images being bumped. Most have many comments.
Not sure what you mean Keith, it will auto bump topics that have no replies so they show up in latest again so they are not forgotten, it will not bump anything that has a reply.
Don’t know if you saw my private message. What I see is images being boosted have many, many replies. Take a look at any of the critique galleries and you’ll see what I’m referring to. In my private message, I listed specific images. One had 21 replies and was boosted.
I’ve turned this feature off for now, it wasn’t working exactly as I thought it should. Thanks for pointing out the mistaken auto-bumps.
Add my vote for order by post date and no bumping of any kind.