
This is a close up of some mushrooms growing on a dead tree trunk that I came upon during a hike in Kings Mountain State Park in SC. I wanted to get a close up view of life amongst the mushrooms and how life exists everywhere in nature. You can see some worms crawling between the mushrooms, the rich brown colors, and the detail in the textures. My intended main focus of attention is the middle to lower left where most of the mushrooms are in focus.

Specific Feedback Requested

Is the greenery in the background a distraction or does it lend anything to the story? When I edited this photo, it was when I was first learning lightroom. I’ve since then learned a bit more in photoshop. Are there any elements that need to be enhanced or diminished? Can this be considered fine art? What makes a photograph a fine art, anyway? Where does your eye mostly gravitate to?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
ISO 400, 70mm, f5.6, 1/80 sec

Erica: A really interesting little ecosystem and a good capture. I do think this would be more interesting without the OOF BG. I would be very tempted to fill the frame with the mushroom and critters. As for what makes fine art, for me it would be an image I would frame and place in a prominent place. I’m not sure I would do it with this image but that’s just personal taste talking. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more of you work. This is a great place to learn. >=))>

Erica, what a great find. I like all of the shapes as well as the shades of browns. I agree with Bill, I think cropping down to the sharper area would keep the eye on the mushrooms and worms. I would say the greenery to me, doesn’t add to the image. I find my eyes going over to check it out and back to the mushrooms. It might help to brighten the lower right portion of the mushrooms by pulling up the shadows maybe. Just a thought. Thanks for sharing. So good to have you here, and looking forward to seeing more of your work as well as your comments on other’s photos.