
The original edit of this scene was on the dark side. After seeing Mark Seaver’s high key image that he had lightened up, I tried it with this photo. I like it a lot better as a high key.

Specific Feedback Requested

All critique welcome.

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I like the mood created by this image quite a bit. Well composed with excellent subject and reflection.

Looks good this way. Ethereal and misty.

@Kris_Smith @David_Schoen Thank you for your comments. I’m glad I tried the high key.

I’m liking the high key approach with subtle colors. I also like the very light trees and reflection in the background.

Oooh, very nice! This does work well with a high-key treatment.

@kelly_cole @Bonnie_Lampley Thank you for your feedback. You’ve confirmed my feeling about the high key approach to the photo.

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Chris, this is a very inviting view of the tree. The subtleness of the colors is a critical element. The tree and it’s reflection are nicely isolated even as the distant shore can be seen, but barely. As a compositional idea, you might try dodging darker parts of the tree’s reflection a bit, their darkness give those areas more visual weight than the tree itself.

@Mark_Seaver I see what you mean about the refelction. Good point.