Slope and sky

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


From time to time I revisit older albums and so I stumbled upon this image that I like to read your opinion about. It was made some 15 years ago while on a trip to Norway, to make fall images.
The slope is chaotic, with all the yellow and orange colored trees. I feel, that the Cirrocumulus clouds have a similar chaos. That’s what caught my attention.
Am I the only one who feels, that the sky somehow mirrors the slope, though in cool instead of warm colors? Does the image appeal to you?

Specific Feedback

Any and all.

Technical Details

Pentax K10D (yes, it is an old image), Pentax 4/16-45 @45mm, 1/50s, f/16, ISO200, -1.0EV.
Reprocessed in DxO PL6.


I’m really liking this autumn landscape. A grand view with the blanket of fall color covering the mountain. I think the sky is a fabulous compliment to the scene - echoing the trees in not only shapes, but also the triangular/slope that you elude to. Although I wouldn’t include the work chaos in any of this. The sky and clouds are just a great compliment to the mountainside of color.

This looks really good as presented. Some minor observations. For me, the contrast is a little strong and the very bright clouds on the far right draw the eye. Without the RAW, pretty hard to mitigate the brights, so I thought I would try to address with a crop and a little stamp-cloning in ACR. Also dropped the contrast a bit and played with color/sat in the yellows and oranges. Of course color/sat in images like this are purely subjective.

I can see why you brought this out from the archives. Glad you decided to share. Here’s a rough edit around my comments.

Thank you @Lon_Overacker for taking the time to comment.
I like your modifications, especially your cloning on the far right of the sky. It definitely is easier to achieve this effect with the RAW file available.
Thanks again.