Hi guys this is my first photo on this page. My name is Hrvoje from Croatia (Dubrovnik) my goal is to post often and to improve my photography skills day by day.
So this photo is made in around Christmas time in the Slovakian Tatras forest. Its made from two exposures. One for the main big tree in the foreground and one for the forest in the background.
Canon 5Dmk4, Canon EF 16-35mm f4L IS USM
foreground photo f9, 1/25, ISO 100
background photo f9, 1/40, ISO 100
Please feel free to critic all the good and bad things in the photo.
Thank you so much,
What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Welcome aboard, Hrvoje and nice first post. I find a whole lot going on in the composition, but it pulls together nicely. I find my eye pleasantly roams around throughout. Your blend works well, with a nice deep depth of field and depth feeling to the image. No suggestions here. I look forward to seeing more of your work and reading your comments on the work of others. Again, welcome.
First off welcome to NPN, Hrvoje! The horizontal format works nicely and this has a lovely wintry feel to it. I particularly like the dusting of snow sitting on the tops of the branches as it contrasts nicely with the darker tones of the tree bark. I only have one minor suggestion and that would be to clone out the branch intruding from the bottom edge toward the LRC as it does draw my eye slightly. Anyway this is a wonderful first post. I hope to see more of your images along with your thoughts on other folks images.
@Hrvoje_Margaretic welcome to NPN, this is an outstanding first post, and I’m really glad that you are sharing you work with us here. This is quite an intriguing image, with the tree emerging from the gloom of the forest. It tells a great story about the forest in winter, with its somber mood. The processing looks very well done. you have done a great job of balancing luminosity between the left and right sides of the image.
While this is a great image as presented, i think a few tweaks would elevate up another notch. I’m slightly bothered by the bright sky patches in the upper left corner (ULC), and would clone them away. I also find a couple branches in the lower right corner to be slightly distracting, and would either crop or clone them away. While this is a matter of personal taste, i would partly remove these branches by cropping from the bottom. I hope you don’t mind, but i did a rework that reflects my comments. But these are tweaks, this is already a great image
Wow thanks so much for this great and constructive reflections about an image, and thanks for posting your version I actually like it more than my its really better but I didnt notice that while I was editing, this is huge for me !
Beautiful capture of the mood of a snowy forest. I love the mistiness that grows toward the background; it adds mystery and reminds of of how it feels to be snowshoeing in the forest with fog.
I like @Ed_McGuirk’s edits; they make it even better.