Soon to be bygones

The Rime Ice Event of 2021 was pretty great so I am revisiting some of the images I just couldn’t make work in Lightroom alone. This barn is really enormous, but No Trespassing signs kept me from getting closer to explore and I had to make do with this harshly backlit shot. I like the slight opening in the lower right that helps make a path to the barn as well as the plants in front of and around it making a frame for the openings in the walls. It isn’t a perfect shot, but it was cold and frosty and crisp and I think this conveys that pretty well.

Specific Feedback Requested

Processing feedback is welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


Lr for initial exposure, lens correction, white balance and sharpening. Then into Ps for extensive masking using the TK8 panel. Mostly careful luminosity masks to make transitions between tones smoother, but I also used a couple of color masks to bring up the opposing gold/blue combination. It was particularly difficult to set the midtones in the tree branches so they didn’t look muddy or disappear into that sky. Oy vey. Mostly it’s just to practice working with the masks and the panel and finding what works best in extreme situations.

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The backlighting really brings out the ice, Kris. I like the low color/saturation feel and the mystery of the structure. Agree that the lower right feels like a path and leading line to the structure. Nicely done on the processing too.

Interesting balance of rugged subjects and subtle colors here. The cold day really comes through.

Would be interesting to scroll through the stages of development.

I like this frosty scene. The ice looks sharp and cold! I also like the way you are playing with the TK masks (something I need to do more of)…especially the color masks, where the blues and golds are subtle, and add.

Thanks @David_Bostock, @Diane_Miller & @Mark_Muller - these kinds of backlit wonders are amazing to see, but really tough to process. I spent a lot of time and deleted a lot of layers before I started getting what I wanted. Our eyes and visual cortexes do things cameras can’t, but this is close. If I could remember where this is, I could shoot it again, but alas, I have no idea. I was just wandering around seeing what lovely dilapidation came my way.