I was shooting photos of Arctic Terns on the waterfront when this little Spotted Sandpiper caught my attention quite a ways down from me. I zoomed in all the way and grabbed a shot, not thinking it would turn out very good but when I got it on the computer I kind of liked it!
Sony a6500, FE200600G @ 600mm, ISO-250, f/7.1, 1/4000, hand held. As shot (no crop), minor brightness & contrast adjustments.
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Hi Gary, I like being able to see the environment of the bird - not a scene I would view in the southeast US. Nice critical sharpness on the bird and well placed in the frame. Wish the bird wasn’t angled away from us. A nice environmental image.
Hi Gary. My thoughts pretty much mimic Allen’s. I like seeing the bird in its environment, but I do wish for a bit more eye contact. I’d also consider cropping out about 1/2 to 3/4 of the OOF FG rock.
A very nice behavioral image, Gary. An excellent job nailing the focus. I like the moving away pose-it’s a different take and shows we’re not always the center of attention.