Spring Genesis

This was taken in a nondescript little marshy gulley right next to an underpass on I95.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Nikon D800, 135mm, 1/6 @ f/16, ISO 100, -1 ex comp

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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The soft pink and green colors give this scene a gentle, calming feeling to it for me. I like a lot, thanks for posting it Michael. Really nice find in an underpass.

Nice tranquil scene. I just see some softness in the upper left part.

To me a bit spooky environment , But I love the soft colors and the contrasty white branches. Well composed.

I like the pink buds and green. The mist adds a mysterious mood to the scene.

I see you beat me to it in posting this little scene we found. :laughing: I never even thought about processing mine in this direction, but it does add an air of mystery almost spooky to the image. That little area has some nice potential; to bad it was marked off with no trespassing signs. I only have one small suggestion; maybe because I processed mine so differently; but this has a slight green tint. Of course if you removed it it might destroy the mood. Anyway, beautifully done.

Hi @Michael_Lowe, really nice atmosphere. In this scene, i would prefer a centered composition instead of this, but it’s also my opinion. Regarding post process, you can add a little bit of warm tones. Thanks for sharing.

Lovely and gentle scene. It has a nice balance - the red blossoms in the URC counteract the weight of the main tree.

I looked at Ed’s first…
Amazing how different the feel is between the two. This feels much cooler. Still feels like spring, but more of a cool damp spring day. I like Ed’s comp better, even though this has more of the pink buds.
Super interesting to see how the same scene was handled by two people!!!

Mike I really like this scene, with green vegetation on the left tree, and on the right the tree further back with the red buds, the red and green contrast works really well. It’s not fair to compare this to your brothers post of the same tree, but I have to say that I prefer the WB and colors you used here, over your brothers (sorry @Ed_Lowe). I prefer the cooler hint of blue in your colors, and the reds that have some magenta. I have a bias towards cooler WB in general I guess.

While I like this as presented, i could also see a lighter feeling interpretation. Here is a rework where I did a TK midtones 2 mask on a levels layer, and then increased the luminosity of midtones.
I think this treatment enhances that red/green contrast even further.

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Amazing how scenes can be interpreted and processed. Mood and mystery are the immediate reactions here; slightly dark, also creating a bit of an eerie feeling too - Like, I would want to venture in there…

Any changes to this one would alter that look and mood, I think. Although now that I see it, I think Ed McGuirk’s edit works too.


Beautiful combination of elements Michael, and I do like @Ed_McGuirk’s tonal change. I also agree with @masdamb’s suggestion to warm it a tad, but I would restrict those changes to the reds and yellows to increase color contrast; you don’t want to lose what the cool fog is adding to the scene.

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