Spring's Warmth

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On one of the first warm, sunny days this spring, I thought it might be interesting to see what the turtles were up to. I found that they were thoroughly enjoying the sun, to the point that they were climbing on top of each other!!! In addition, they were much more tolerant of my presence that last year in the summer and fall as almost none slid back into the water as I approached.

Technical Details

R5, 100-500 @ 400, 1/250 s, f/11, iso 800, tripod. A 9 shot stack of stacked turtles.


Fantastic capture, Mark! Love how they are all pilled on top of each other. Great shot.

Great stacking work done here Mark, by both yourself and your turtles. Your detail and DOF is excellent. Nice handling of the bright conditions too.

Mark: this is a very pleasant scene which shows the animals at rest. One option might be to crop it to a panorama which would eliminate the bright background grasses.


Oh how fun! No turtles up from brumation yet, but I’m looking forward to seeing them. And hearing the peepers which will be sooner. It’s so funny how turtles have no concept of personal space and they often pile and walk over or under each other. I’ve been trying to get the behavior on film and have only done it once. Turtles are one of the only animals you can do a stack with, but I’d never have thought of it!

Hi Mark!
Great job on stackin Turtles, I would like to know, how many frames you stacked.
I do find value in @Richard_Sandor 's suggestion to go pano.

Jagdeep, this was a 9 shot stack, now if only the turtles would also stack that high…