SR 2023 -57

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

I spent 5 days at Caddo Lake in TX. I spent at least an hour every day working with this 10-foot by 10-foot patch of Blackwater. Nature provided a unique competition every day. Hour by hour everything moved.
Do my images get people to look at swamps as more than scary places?


I think these images do convey the beauty of swamps,but I’ve always liked them, so I’m not a good judge. I prefer this image to your previous one-I really like the way the corners are filled in and kind of surrounding the water. Fine work.

I, too, prefer this to the earlier cropped version (at least it appears to me to be a cropped portion of this image). For me, swamps are beautiful places, but some of the creatures that inhabit them are a bit scary.

I like this picture! My first impression was of a Japanese picture by the black background and the subtly winding of the stems.
There is a little bit to much to see around the center, that is disturbing the serenity of the appaerence.
If you are intending to show the beauty of the swamp, then you have succeeded!

Hi Steve, this image caught my attention with the combination of the lines and colors! The movement and curves of the vines bring the viewer’s eye across and around the photo. The vibrant , almost glowing colors look wonderful set against the black background. My first response is that the location is a mystery and I’m not sure where or exactly what I’m looking at with the different leaves and plant life, which makes it intriguing and has me looking again at the photo. I like the empty black/space areas as a contrast to the busier sections on the right. Then reading your description, I didn’t know it was a swamp and it does not look as you said “scary”. I liked that I was unsure of where this photo was taken.