Blackwater Fall 23 - 5

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

I am attempting to make mankind aware of the beauty and importance of our nation’s wetlands.
The question is what do you see?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

There are many types of wetlands in the world. Blackwater swamps are mostly in the southern part of America.
The color is deceiving as the water is very pure, it was put into barrels for ocean voyages across the Atlantic in the 1800s .
The tannic acid and peat on the swamp floor create the black color and create an almost perfect mirror.
This series of images was from the tree debris and lily pads falling in the water during autumn.

The lines and the whole vibe of the photo is really good. I like the way it runs off the left making me wonder what was there. Beautiful color. !!!

I love the smooth graceful curves of the stems in this image, Steve. The water on the lily pads is also very col. I’m a bit ambivalent about the cut-off lily pad on the left. I find myself wanting to see the whole thing, but that does add a certain tension to the image which may or may not be what you want.

Oh this is darn cool. Are blackwater swamps similar to tannic waters? I know folks sometimes don’t like the “rootbeer” look of tannic water, but it’s clean and uncontaminated, just stained like tea. The arrangement here is really graceful and has a lot of interest and presence. The color is a bit on the cool side and while the water isn’t quite black, you could take it there. I’m not sold on the leaf in the ULC though.

A gorgeous piece of art!! The flowing lines are wonderful!! My instinct is always to have everything in the frame with breathing room but you have done the opposite here and made it work for me! The cut off leaf on the left works for me because of some items in the LR also being cut off.

I saw this as a B/W in your project and think that version fits the artistic nature of the image better. I’m not sure any images can convey the environmental importance of wetlands, but you have certainly conveyed some of the beauty to be found there, and I think that is very important.

I was really drawn to this image when I saw it as part of you B/W project on the swamps. I’m glad you posted it here in color, too. I like your treatment here with the color. Though, I personally go for the B/W more. As far as the crop, the lily peaking from the upper left pulls me away from the beautiful, curved lines. A crop in or PS it out would balance the short line on the right. And the lily pad on the right is the same for me. seems like it needs to be all in or cropped a little tighter. Again, great seeing, and it seems almost musical.

Thanks for all the help everyone
I am working on a new project and will post soon
Thanks again