
Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

All I really want to know is whether this prompts some reaction in those who look at it or not.

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Technical Details

This is a three-shot multiple exposure. I took a lot of multiple exposures of two kinds of succulents. This one came closest to the result I had in mind.

Specific Feedback

I’m not after any specific feedback. Any comments will be appreciated.

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I like it, Don. the layers appear translucent and it has a very artistic look almost like a watercolor wash on a pen and ink drawing.

My initial reaction: “Beautiful Dream”. Living in Arizona, I am naturally drawn to succulents and agaves. Beautifully seen and creatively put together. Nice!

Dennis, Fritz, I appreciate the comments.

Soft and lovely. I am very drawn to this image. It looks like a watercolor painting. How did you achieve this look?

The delicate colors and the shapes fascinate me. I keep wanting to study each detail. It is a restful picture that I would like on my wall. Thanks, Don, for sharing it with us.

Chris and Barbara, thank you.

Chris, as I mentioned, it’s a multiple exposure, shot on a tripod with live view. Live view allows you see how the various shots will mesh. I exposed to the right because I knew I wanted a high-key result.

I didn’t like the colors so I changed the white balance to fluorescent and warmed the image up until I was satisfied. After that it was mostly a matter of getting the tones where I wanted them .

I tried many other multiple exposures that didn’t work. Persistence helps!

The agaves are giving up the ghost! Cool.

Wonderful work Don! This reminds me of Karen Waller’s work. If you have not seen her ME work, I highly recommend it.

I love the translucent qualities of the image, the shapes, colors, and the light. Great job with the multiple exposure work.

Thanks very much, Alfredo. I’m not familiar with her work but I’ll look into it.

Love this Don! And before reading any comments, my reaction was also along the lines of a painting, water colors, or colored pencil sketch. This is just wonderful! The softness of both the pastels and the physical leaves just makes for such a pleasing.

I could see this as a canvas print or the basis for some home decor themes, etc. Very cool!


Thanks, Lon.

Completely lovely!! A very interesting effect, to make such a “solid” subject into a ghost! And I love the color.

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Hi Don, I love this look! I have just started experimenting with multiple exposures myself and like how creative you can get with it. I like the soft pastel look of the hard-edged succulent. To me, this photo is unique and creative!

Diane, Mary, thanks. :slight_smile:

Don, This lovely image immediately caught my attention. I love the soft, translucent leaves outlined in a grey/magenta. The brighter background provides a contrast with the bluish leaves. This is a very different take on a succulent plant.

Thanks, Ann Louise.