Another image in my Summer Fantasy series taken in late July 2020. By this point the fog was really starting to burn off, and I decided to create an image that mostly emphasized the color contrast between the purple loosestrife flowers and the green tree. I normally do not create many high key images in my work, but it seemed to work well for the foggy conditions that I experienced that weekend. The lighter, upbeat feeling of the high key processing also reflected my mood of finally being able to do some serious photography after being heavily constrained by the pandemic lockdown earlier in the spring.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any critique or comments are welcome
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 5D MKIV, Canon 70-200mm f4 lens at 89 mm, ISO 200 , 1/6 sec at f16
I just opened up the previous images of this series and I only can say ‘wow’! What a glorious and fruitful morning, well deserved after a ‘pandemic spring’! My favorite is Summer Fantasy 2, that one is just perfect with the soft, golden light on the trees, making them shine and giving them depth!
Back to this one. The colorpalette with the pinks and greens is perfect. Some faint blues in the mist fit in well. I like the grasses showing through the flowers in the LRC, just something extra my eye caught.
Looking longer at the image there are 2 minor things I could comment on. Liking the pink foreground so much, my eye gets drawn a bit to the patch of bright greens in the LLC. If there were pink flowers there, the carpet would be complete. If you don’t like cloning them in there, I would get the greens more similar to the darker greens on the right. Very minor nitpick 2 would be to burn / vignette the ULC slightly to make it look similar to the URC.
In this delightful image, the soft fluffy tree floats on an even softer fluffier magenta pillow. Your choice of low key makes this story come forth.
For me, the left side does not add much, so I tried a square crop of most of the right side, for your consideration.
I have to say that you came with some stunning images on your recent foggy morning outing and this one is no exception. At first I was going to suggest a crop from the left, but when I opened the large version everything just seems to be beautifully balanced that I changed my mind. I like the way the loosestrife wraps around that tree and brush in the center of the frame and the purple and greens were made for one another. The slightly diffused BG is another wonderful element and enhances the tree and wildflowers. Also the lighting throughout the image is sublime. I hope you have a couple more gems for us.