Sunny patterns

I have been photographing our sunflowers in all stages of development. This curved center caught my attention. Morning sun lit up the drying petals around the flower.

Specific Feedback Requested

Anything…especially composition

Technical Details

iPhone 13, RAW, ISO 50, 5.7mm, f/1.5, 1/1500 sec

Processed in Photoshop

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Hey Ann Louise - meant to comment on this before, but got sidetracked. The globular roundness is really apparent here. We tend to think of sunflowers as flat, but this shows how deep they are and how little the need for petals. The composition is a little odd in that it doesn’t show the whole flower, but also doesn’t come in close enough for detail or an abstract. I wish the background wasn’t quite so light, but sometimes that comes with the territory. I’ve never been close to these big beauties before so I’m glad you shared.

Thank you Kristen for your thoughts and observations. I was so focused on capturing the patterns, I did not consider the chopped off lower edge of the flower. It is great to get your feedback on this!