This was a fun shot because there was a little story behind it and a bit of luck on my part. This male Mallard was standing on a submerged log and completely absorbed in the process of preening. I was shooting photos of the various ducks in the pond and was watching him, hoping for some interesting action. While I was looking through the viewfinder, a baby duckling swam into view behind him so I prepared to take a shot when it got close enough to the adult duck. The duckling approached from the rear and just as I was about to hit the shutter for a side by side portrait shot, it reached forward and plucked one of the big duck’s tail feathers. The adult duck apparently wasn’t aware of the duckling and it freaked out! It let out a loud screeching quack and went straight up in the air about 3 feet Since I was already focused and starting to take a photo I was able to catch it on the way up!
Sony a6500, FE 100-400 GSM @ 400 mm, ISO-400, f/5.6, 1/3200, hand held, square crop for composition.
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What a story and a shot, Gary! It is really nice when we are at the right place at the right time, with everything set to capture the action. I actually like the square frame for this, as a vertical might loose some of the water splash on the right. Just my thought. It is a really nice shot. The details in both ducks are great, and even in the droplets.