Flashing the Blue

A juvenile male Mallard Duck, relieving a little of that pent up energy and probably showing off a bit :wink:

I liked this shot but the duck ended up on the left side of the frame so I did a square crop. I think it ended up working pretty well. Opinions appreciated.

Sony a6500, SEL200600G w/1.4TC @ 840 mm, ISO-1250, f/9.0, 1/4000, hand held.

Version 2: incorporated critique suggestions of adding more room on the left using content aware fill. I did some cloning also as I wasn’t completely happy with the auto-fill. I also cropped off the same amount from the right side to keep the square dimensions.

Original post:

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Hi Gary
Really nice looking Mallard, the color, detail and reflection made the photograph. The square crop helps the framing. This time of year I see Mallard swimming around in groups of 2 to 10, but it is hard to get this extended look. Nice work.

Looks great. Lots of detail and nice colors. My preference would be a bit more room on left for out stretched pose but square crop works also. A really nice job on what appears to be very bright light.

Gary, you captured such great detail and color, and that pose, how can we ask for more. Sure, a bit more room in the direction he is heading would have been nice, but I would be pleased to call this mine. He kind of looks like he is directing the choir! Nice shot.

Lovely image. The wing position is great. It would be really easy to add canvas on the left using content aware crop in PS if you wanted to.

Beautiful pose and excellent techs, Gary. The detail is superb. This crop works very nicely as posted, though I could also see it with more room on the left.

A wonderful pose with gorgeous lighting and detail in the feathers! I love how the BG keeps its green color and has a hint of detail on the far shore – it gives context without competing with the subject. That would be a perfect BG for a studio portrait!

Thank you all for the input. I put the revised version with more space on the left side above the original. I like it much better!

The repost makes a very nice photo feel better.

Great job on the extra canvas, Gary. Just that little bit made a big difference.