A juvenile male Mallard Duck doing the fast dash and splash thing.
Sony a6500, SEL200600G w/1.4tc @ 741 mm, ISO-800, f/9.0, 1/4000, hand held.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
The bird was small & in the center of the frame so I wanted to crop for composition and detail. There was room either side of the bird to put it on either side of the frame. Considering the direction the duck was traveling and looking, the typical placement would have been on the left side (coming into the scene. But if I did that, it would cut off most of the trailing splashes which to me were part of the story. Consequently, I decided to break the rules and put him on the right, going out of the scene but with almost all of the splashes which tell more of the story. The question is: Bad decision? Good decision? Other alternatives?
Thanks in advance for your critiques & opinions!
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