Susquehanna Bluebells #2

Not that this is a wow image, but I have been waiting for a year to capture this shot. I had planned on shooting the bluebells in Susquehanna SP last year, but I was a little early so they were not in full swing yet. I never did make it back, but after seeing a picture from my daughter’s IPhone I put it on my calendar so I would not miss it. I came away with three or four images that I liked and this was my favorite.

I had this spot picked out from last year as it was relatively clear of to much clutter, but I have to say that finding a few other areas was a little tougher. I just waited until later in the day toward sunset when the sun would be illuminating the trees in the BG as I thought that would add another layer to the scene.

As always thanks for taking a moment to leave a thought.

Specific Feedback Requested

All C&C welcome. There is a little clutter on the left edge, but I may wind up cloning that out. Just wondering if it bothers anyone?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D800, Nikon 17-35 @ 26mm, f16 @ 1/60 sec, ISO 640 for the light wind, cable release & tripod


This is really a unique composition that highlights the bluebells, but the placement and use of the single large tree adds another secondary subject that I think works very well. I also like the use of the lighter foliage background and the contrast to the bluebells.
No suggestions from me. It’s nice to see your plan come together so well.
No the clutter on the left does not bother me.

Ed, the image won’t enlarge for me so I’m commenting on what I can make out with by bad eyesight. This works for me really well. The colors of the pink and blue flowers are outstanding. I also love the dappled light on the forest floor. The BG light is also excellent. the clutter on left doesn’t really bother me, but should be easy to clone out and make a fine image even finer. My only small nit are the brown leaves? creeping in on the lower right edge. They should also be very easy to get rid of. :call_me_hand:

I am not sure why the larger version does not show up so I will try it again. Many thanks @Alan_Kreyger and @Michael_Lowe for your kind words. Glad you guys enjoyed the image. I will have to check that out, Mike.

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A beauty!. The three dominant trees really work for me…groups of 3s seem to be visually pleasing in general. The BG is really adding a nice layer to my eye.

In the words of John “Hannibal” Smith from the A Team, “I love it when a plan comes together”. In landscape photography it’s so infrequent when our plans come together, but you hit the jackpot with this one. This is an amazing display of bluebells. You did a good job of organizing the woodland chaos. But what really makes this image work for me are the yellow glowing trees in the background. Their color and luminosity help pull the viewers eye through the field of flowers. Beautiful woodland scene Ed, well done.

This is very subjective, but if it were my image I would clone away the diagonal leaning tree in the upper right. I would prefer having the repetition of just straight vertical lines for the trees.