While driving on a back road, I encountered a nursery with rows of young trees. The precise alignment of the rows really caught my eye. I liked that most of the leaves were off the trees and blanketing the ground. I think this is what reveals the shapes of the trees and the rows.
It was a cold, foggy morning and the ground was very muddy. Alas, I didn’t have my rubber boots in the car, but it was well worth getting out and getting my feet muddy.
It looks cold, Chris. The way all of the trees are lined up create a very symmetrical composition. The few leaves that are hanging on add to the cold wintery feeling. Nice catch!
What a cool shot, Chris. I would have stopped and gotten muddy for this shot too. It definitely shows off the straight lines. Having just a few leaves left on the trees is a nice touch. Very unique. Thanks for sharing.
Great image, Chris! It definitely has the symmetrical component, but the remaining leaves show that it is not a mirror image. Great vision to have recognized what the scene offered.
A symmetrical image for sure! Like a lot the small amount of colorful leaves, that are not perfectly symmetrical. I also like that you have kept the leaves on the ground rather bright to contrast against the tree trunks.
Chris, the symmetry is awesome, with the few leaves still attached adding a fine bit of surprise to the viewing. Moving in so that the center trunks fill the row at the vanishing point was a great idea.
I agree with all the other comments. It’s a very striking image Chris, with great symmetry. Love the contrast between the cold and snow and the colorful left over leaves.
This is a great image with the parallel rows and straight trees. It has a very strong graphical presence and the symmetry is striking. Nicely seen and glad you stopped to shoot this!