Rework 1 - altered for more contrast and less grey to bring out the cracks in the ice
Original - more grey
Image Description
This is a repost of an Acadia shot I posted a few days ago. Viewers thought I should play around with this shot or others I had taken of this scene to see if I could come up with other compositions that would even simplify this image more. @David_ Bostock suggested B&W. I decided to try both.
Type of Critique Requested
Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
Specific Feedback and Self-Critique
It’s tough to get a unique grand landscape shot in Acadia. This park has been photographed so much though the years that only unique weather conditions might get something that hasn’t been taken before. Since we have no grand landscapes anywhere near me, it was my goal on this trip to use my wide angle lens as much as possible. Most of the time it stays on the shelf. I saw this as a simplified image that had wonderful ice cracks on the lake that could lead the eye to the stone. I think this image does a better job of simplifying this composition than the other one I posted. My thanks to the wonderful members who critiqued my first attempt. I have very little experience processing B&W, but I’m trying to learn more about it. Feedback on the B&W processing would be nice. Just added a rework to bring out the cracks in the ice. Better???
Technical Details
Sony a7r v 12-24mm @24mm
ss 1/13
ISO 100
I love both images. Really beautiful !!! This photo needs no explanation… Its says everything. You can feel the cold . Really Nice Composition !!!
Wonderful landscape and awesome take away from Acadia.
Although I’ve never been, I think in general you are quite right. This is true for most all the iconic locations. And to that - you’ve come away with a winner for sure. I for one never would have guess Acadia, so kudos for recognizing and capturing this one.
Love the composition with the “star-lik” lines and shapes all drawing the eye in and anchoring on the rock.
You repost if a big improvement with the contrast. Comparing the two the original looks a bit flat now. So thanks for the rework. Looks fantastic.
@David_Bostock @Gill_Vanderlip @Lon_Overacker Thank you for viewing my image.
Gill, welcome to NPN. I look forward to seeing some of your images.
David, the B&W worked out well. Thanks for throwing that suggestion out.
Lon, I’m not the best at processing B&W. There’s more to it than meets the eye. Yes, the rework is better. I now have to decide if I like the B&W or the very first post of this image which was color. I’ll keep both, then there’s no decision to be made 
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I definitely prefer the simplicity of this one vs. the prior post Donna. My eye can really sweep into that anchoring rock. I prefer the original post; there’s something about that softness that really adds to the mood of the moment.
Thanks John. I’m glad you like the original. I’ve just started processing B&W, so I’m having a hard time trying to figure out how to process the tones. I really liked the first one, but the more I looked at it, I figured viewers would think it didn’t have enough contrast and was too grey. I reprocessed it making the whites whiter and the black blacker. I guess it’s just a matter of taste. I thought the first one made the scene look more like what I saw. It was early morning and very foggy.
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