What technical feedback would you like if any? Any suggestion appreciated.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 600mm f4 (1/400sec at f9.0, Iso 1250) DeNoise, Topaz Detail, Levels, Shadows & Highlights, Brighjtness & Contrast, Rubber stamp tool for removing several dark spots on the water, crop for comp. Hen wood ducks are very cute and I think just as photo worthy as the drake. March in Michigan is usually cloudy and gray so I took advantage of this lighting for a high key presentation…Jim
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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I am also a big fan of the hen. You have captured the duck well, Jim. I really like the slight head turn, which makes it very intimate. I am wary about shutter speed that slow but this is captured really well!
This has a “painterly” quality to it Jim, and that’s a sincere compliment. It reminds me in many ways of the paintings submitted for duck stamps, another point of high praise. I can’t imagine a better portrait of this or any other waterfowl. I’d say, next time you get another cloudy day you need to be back out with your bells on. It’s fun to contemplate a whole series of such portraits!
Hi Jim, I like the high key look. Details and colors look good. Well done.
Hello, Jim, wonderful image. The duck, of course, is great in itself, but the high-key look makes the image for me. Well executed ! Cheers, Hans
Lovely, Jim. Excellent detail and I love the silver water.
Thank you. I may have to head out tomorrow morning. Cold, snow, and clouds, just another morning for the ducks…Jim