the fading forest, 2023

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I like the partial translucence of the branching due to the ICM technique but also the absence of translucence where the tree parts overlap within the ICM blur. I like the blue cast due due to the color of the light at blue hour. I like the proportion of the figure (tree branches and trunks) to the ground (background). I like the shape of the tree structures.

Creative direction

My intent with ICM images is to convey a liminal state for my subject: something that is between positions or a state that is in transition. Photography is uniquely able to convey such transitional states and portray subjects that are, under normal human experience, static.

Specific Feedback

Looking for aesthetic, conceptual, emotional, and technical feedback:
Aesthetic: does ICM appeal to you? Why or why not?
Conceptual: Do I convey the liminal state successfully and effectively?
Emotional: How does this image make you feel?
Technical: What would you suggest I do to improve my effectiveness of concept or otherwise make the image more interesting? Does the vignette improve or detract from the concept?

Technical Details

Camera settings:

Processing in LR
Basic panel:

Effects panel for vignette:


I arrived at this location later in the day than expected last fall and missed the direct sunlight on the changing aspen trees. With the sunlight fading after sunset, blue hour provided me with sufficient light to make long exposures. With shutter speeds of 0.5 to 2 sec, I used a technique of holding the camera still during the beginning of the shutter release then moving it during the remainder, burning a still image and blurred image into the sensor. Then during processing, I brightened the image and deepened the blue to my liking.

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Matt, I’m enjoying the dreamy feeling that you’ve got here. The solidity of the trees is set off well by the misty blue tones.

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