"The Fortress"

First post…so I hope the image resolution is acceptable!

(Landscape photographed in Colorado on 2-10-2019)

Quick break down and what I’m looking for in the comments:

I missed out on first light so I converted this early morning shot to black and white. I rushed on composition to grasp any decent golden light i could get and ended up scrapping it anyway because color did not do this image any good. This will not be the last time I photography this peak and I will forecast the next outing for fresh snow surrounded by blue hour.

I feel as though b&w images are just as challenging to edit and perfect as anything else. My back and forth is trying to find the right balance of contrasts using the histogram in post. Or fine tuning the tones or tints of b&w photos. Any advice/feedback or b&w tips are more than welcome!


What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details:

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

The large area of mostly featureless bright white dead center stops me. In terms of processing, toning down the highlights to bring out a little more detail and lightening up the darkness at the bottom might help. In terms of composition, moving left to create a line to follow the nearer trees up and left then following the mid ridge onto the peak beyond might add to the interest.

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Sean, welcome aboard! I am enjoying the image, but find the dark blocked up trees are not quite right to my eye. I would either pull some detail out of them or crop up to eliminate half or 2/3 of the big black section lower rt corner. Otherwise, I find it quite an enjoyable mountain scene.

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Thank you for the feedback. Yeah I can see the case where detail could be retained in the foreground trees for the benefit. When I view the image on my computer there is some detail but on my phone there is none.

Yeah, i did notice the large portion of mostly nothing taking up the scene and that’s why i wasn’t too fond of the composition to begin with. Did visualize a vertical shot afterwards and using the leading line of the ridge that shoots up to the peak. As far as the highlights, they could be toned down a bit as they were very bright in the sun at the time. Thanks for the comments!


Welcome to NPN. A terrific first post of this alpine winter landscape. A solid composition - which helps when there isn’t anything dramatic going on like clouds, storms or special light… I really like the contrasts and overall processing, although I have to agree with Harley that the forest trees at the bottom are too dark. The snowy mountain of course is bright, but I think even standing their, the eye would be able to see detail there. I just seems darker than the conditions seem. (for example, the mountain is so bright with snow, that it would actually be reflecting light in to the shadows.) At least that’s what I see.

Looking forward to more of your images and your participation.

BTW, resolution is great!


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Thanks for the feedback Lon. Yes, I do agree that the eyes didn’t quite see this dark of a foreground. Didn’t blend exposures and the original image is pretty dark along the bottom half as my focus was on the details in the highlights. I do plan to rework that part here and return to the area with better prep! Thanks again.