The Great Pretender + Rework


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Like a sculpture left unfinished, the rock’s clam shell shape sits quietly, a masterwork of nature’s design, its layers a testament to the relentless patience of the sea, evoking a sense of wonder for the pearl that might have been.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

14 mm at ISO 50 and 1⁄125sec at ƒ/11

Another awesome image!! I love how the splashing wave (it looks quite large) reaches up into the clouds and echoes them. I wonder if just a bit more detail could be pulled out of the darkest shadows? Maybe just in the LL corner – that dark area, with its contrast with the light sand at the bottom of the frame, pulls my eye.

I am intrigued that the clouds along the top edge appear softly OOF. I think it is a lovely effect although it seems a bit strange. Maybe you did a focus stack – whatever, I really like the result.

Thanks Diane, what an eye you have! I didn’t even notice the softness in those clouds, went back to my edit and low and behold I had put a linear gradient that corner to increase the contrast I seem to have decrease the focus at the same time. Here is what it should have been as well as the shadow detail increased in the LL corner. Thanks for that find! :pray:

The detail in the shaded area looks great, for my taste. But I think I like the subtle burn on the original clouds better. It was the soft shapes that seemed strange to me, as if they were somehow out of the plane of focus, but it’s apparent now that they are just very soft, misty clouds. However they got that way, I think they are a wonderful, gentle frame for the powerful rocks. The fact that they felt strange is not a bad thing – it makes them intriguing!

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What an awesome subject, and I love that wave in the background. The rework looks great to me!

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Beautiful lines and tone !!!

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Thanks John! If you sit there long enough, as I tend to do you always seem to get the wave. Glad you like the rework. (Thanks Diane)

Thanks Gill glad you like it! :+1: