Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
A few years ago, I went exploring up that side canyon a few days . Wild and spectacular! So the point of this recent image from the rim is to somehow convey my love of that place.
Specific Feedback
Not sure I like the gold color of the leaves and grasses, should it be more yellow?
What do you think of the crop/composition?
Does it feel a bit dizzying?
And anything else! Thanks!
Technical Details
Canon EOS RP + 27-70 F2.8 @70 mm.
1/50 s, f/9.0, ISO100
1 Like
Hi Cathy!
I’m a sucker for lone cottonwood tree scenes so I wanted to offer my assistance on this one.
In response to your specific feedback, I believe the key to reaching your desired color is by actually killing the yellow instead of adding more. This image has a warm color cast to it so all the tones appear to be blending together. The best way I could demonstrate this was by showing a video of showing before and after removing the color cast.
Here’s a simple 3-click method: First, create a new curves layer. Next, click the “Auto” button in the curves adjustment panel while holding Alt (or option on Mac) and choose the second option. This eliminates the color cast, though it may look a bit odd initially. Lastly, adjust the opacity to your liking. I found that 25-40 works well for this image.
Hi Cathy, dizzying is the word! I feel like I could fall right into it. Pretty cool. I think @Trevor_Vellinga suggestion on color balance is spot on. Trevor, thanks for the note and instructions. While I don’t use Lightroom/PS, the idea works nicely in my chosen processor too.
Fun to be looking down on a view like this Cathy, and I think it works well; it almost feels like it was shot from a drone. I really enjoy the way the lines flow around the trees.
I like @Trevor_Vellinga’s suggestions on the color, and I wonder if dropping how bright the foreground shelf is might let the eye stick to the attractive center a little better.
@Trevor_Vellinga Thanks for pointing out the obvious color cast ! And double thanks for the photoshop curves layer tips. I’ll try that now…
@David_Bostock Thanks for the feedback on how it feels! Wanted to know if I was conveying that sensation.
@John_Williams Funny how drones have made this type of perspective commonplace. Do you think more foreground would help reinforce that it was shot from land (so people see it from the perspective of actually standing there)?
I see what you mean about the foreground ledge being too bright relative to the subject. I’ll try that in my edit too…
I think it looks pretty good as is; there’s just enough of that ledge to keep it grounded (pun intended
Edited following suggestions, thanks Trevor & John. I also figured out that the wierd initial color was introduced via the Adobe Landscape proflie. Changed it back to Adobe Color in LR and it looked better already but still applied Trevor’s color correction. I used PS masks to lighten the ledge and also (slightly) the cliffs in the back.
Here are some suggestions. Cooler white balance. Burn the bottom ledge. Crop to a vertical. I’m not sure the crop is necessary. You decide.
Cathy, what a wonderful perspective, point of view. I get a sense of 3-D and also the scale here is almost confusing (not in a bad way, by an engaging way.) Hard to explain, but the cliff in the UL, upper left just comes across as quite large, even huge, yet right next to it the cottonwood(?). I mean how big can a cottonwood tree be??? I think all can put in to scale perspective a cottonwood tree. The cliff? I have no idea, but looks to be the size of the tree… scale and perpective is what keeps me interested in this scene.
Good call by the others in terms of color balance and processing tips. But aside from that I find this quite fascinating. Your repost is excellent. Oh, and I do get the sense of standing on the edge… and my fear of heights kicks in, so that’s working too.
Thanks for sharing.
@Igor_Doncov Thanks for your suggestions! I agree that it could be more blue and I will try a more vertical crop too.
@Lon_Overacker Thanks for your feedback on the POV and perspective! It’s helpful to know that the sense of standing on the edge of the precipice came through.