I just was riding by this little piece of woods partially hidden by fencing and brush, but this morning it really stood out to me the way the sun was coming through the trees and lighting up the ground and flowers in bands of light. So I had to stop, I had to put my camera through some fencing to get this angle.
Specific Feedback Requested
I have another angle and would like feedback on which is better, if any?
Anything else
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400, 70mm, 1/80, f/13, ISO 200
16x9 crop
I prefer the second one, without that big tree. The second one feels more open and inviting. In the first one, that tree feels like a guard, stationed there to check your papers before you can go into the woods. In the first, there is a sense of a path going into the frame, then I reach the light. What a lovely scene.
I have gone back and forth on these a couple of times and my favorite is the second version as it seems more inviting. In the first the tree feels as though it is blocking me from following that lovely light into the forest. The light is even better in the second version and the view feels more open and airy without the tree; allowing the viewer a path in the trees. Beautifully done.
Overall I am drawn more to the second one because the tree on the right in the first one feels a little too dominating to me. But I do like the foreground in the first one with the flowers being more prominent. The light is fantastic.
Vanessa, I am all the way with Bonnie and go for the second image. I did however a rework with my interpretation . I tried to put the attention more on the light behind the trees and in the foreground . Hope you like it.
Vanessa, in a recent post by @Ola_Jovall we were discussing the concept of identifying a limited number of things that really appeal most to you in an image. Then by using composition and processing, you would try to strongly emphasize those things.
In these images, for me the most appealing things are the warm light on the tree boughs, the red colorof the tree trunks, and the streaks of warm light on the ground. IMO I think this crop of the second image takes great advantage of those things.
Your own title says it all “The Light Caught My Eye”
Vanessa, I like the inviting feel of the second image and would have stopped because of that light just as you did. I like all the suggestions and image post of others and especially like what Ed McGuirk did. It’s wonderfully inviting.
I missed this one @Vanessa_Hill , and I’m with the others that like the second version without the big tree on the right. If the image is about the light, there isn’t any on that big tree…the light and all that you love about this scene is in the second version.
This forum is so awesome for helpful ideas.
Yes! I’ve got to go back to that post by @Ola_Jovall and re-read the discussion about drawing attention in the image to what drew our attention in the first place!
Yes I agree @Mark_Muller . It seems like the moment someone points out a flaw in a photo or what angle is better or whatever, I can see it immediately and wonder why didn’t I see that before! It’s so obvious! Thanks for your feedback and looking! Much appreciated!