The rumble and the weight



Also in the Porcupine Lake Wilderness in northern Wisconsin although not as straightforward as the first shot was. We were down in a little hollow making our way to that spot, but I could have easily spent all day here. Again, we were constantly moving and I didn’t have the luxury of time, but I really liked this huge tree that came down the hill. Can you imagine the crash? The sound? The reverberation? Even all these decades later it is still impressive. The open canopy provides a window to the sunlight for all the smaller plants.

Specific Feedback Requested:

I’m a little nervous to ask…lol. It is busy, but too much? Too little? Just a ho-hum forest landscape?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:



Lr for most of the processing - basic curves adjustment and some lens correction for distortion. Added texture, but not clarity. WB was ok and I left all color sliders alone since I was in Camera Scenery for the profile - that has plenty of contrast and saturation. A touch of sharpening. Photoshop to remove a couple of major distractions and to emphasize the light coming through the now open canopy.

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Not ho-hum to me. This looks like it was a VERY tall tree, but here it lies, in graceful rest with a blanket of leaves and moss. I love the surprise of the gold leaves on the ridge line. Although the season is irrelevant to the subject, if those trees had been green I think it would be less interesting to me.

Thanks @Diane_Miller - I think it was a tall one. Possibly the stump is still there in the far corner, but I have no idea. Yeah, fall color makes everything better, doesn’t it? I think it was October when I was up there.