The Upper McKenzie

Taken this past summer.
D610, 24-70 f2.8 @ 24mm, .8sec. f11, CP,
PP in C1P, ps
Maybe too iconic and typical?
An amazing stretch of river.

Very Oregon-ey, I’ll say, but pleasing. I am not sure how I feel about the cyan showing through in the water, but it definitely adds some interest. My suggestion is to burn some of the brightest highlights in the water, especially the second furthest waterfall in the stream.

Dan, the color, texture , and level of shadow detail in the rainforest is just wonderful. It looks so lush and inviting. You have perfectly captured the greens and yellows here. I think the composition works fairly well. I wish there was a bit less negative space in the LRC, but any significant crop from the right risks losing important compositional elements in the forest. Maybe a slight crop from the bottom would help if you don’t need to maintain the aspect ratio.

The whlte water is not clipped, but on my monitor it feels a bit too bright, I might pulling them down slightly. This might add back a little more texture and color in the water as well.