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Self Critique
I like the eagles position, and pose. Not sure about the background, more or less detail?
Creative direction
I liked how this eagle paused to look over the action in front of it.
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Technical Details
Canon R5, RF 100-500mm @ 500mm F-8 ISO 2500 hand held.
T he main action at this area of Hood Canal in Washington was the interaction between the great blue herons and the bald eagles. I spotted this eagle standing on an old rail, which led to the water. It seemed to be looking over the action as if deciding which heron it would tr y to steal a fish from.
Excellent, John. The exposure on the eagle is utterly superb. White-whites with plenty of detail and still plenty of detail and nice dark plumage. Having a pretty good idea where you were, the background works for me because I know it’s oyster beds with tide pools . I don’t think I’d go with more detail or the background would start distracting from the eagle.
I do like the head turn and your angle to the bird and the old boat launch rail makes an interesting perch.
Hi John, lovely portrait of the eagle with great exposure and detail. Glad you didn’t gray out the whites. Nice head turn giving a great view of this regal bird. Well done.