I was driving from Valdez to Anchorage on a beautiful, mostly clear day and came upon this very small but heavy snow storm. I stopped when it was directly overhead and shot this scene.
Specific Feedback and Self-Critique
All critiques are appreciated.
Technical Details
Sony a6300, SEL1670Z @ 23mm (34mm w/crop factor), ISO-100, f/8.0, 1/640, hand held.
Hi Gary,
I would say you happened to be in the right place at the right time. Wow! That looks really impressive.
What a great contrast of conditions. You perfectly caught the snowstorm in the foreground with your fast shutter speed. And in the background, the wide mountains are kissed by the sun under a blue sky. One cannot wish for more.
The dramatic mood somehow reminds me of a scene in a fantasy novel: The dark army in the foreground surrounds the light castle in the background, ready to attack.
I keep thinking about whether the tree on the left bothers me. It’s quite dominant in my opinion. But on the other hand, this dark tree is a good counterbalance to the brightest mountain peak on the right.
Gary, I think you should clone out all of the oof birds in the sky… I really like the depth, emphasized well by the sunlight on the distant mountains. I’m fine with the tree on the left, but do wonder about a crop that moves it closer to the edge.