A Least Sandpiper on the edge of the tide water. I actually set the camera on the ground and turned the view screen upwards to get this and a number of other shots of these birds.
Sony a6500, SEL100400GSM @ 400 mm, ISO-160, f/5.6, 1/2000, on the ground.
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Excellent, Gary. This image really shows off the low angle well. I like what it’s done to the foreground.
The foreground lead-in is excellent, Gary, and it’s a fine capture of the bird. Does your comment mean that your Sony has a moveable viewfinder that you can move into a horizontal position for this type of shot ?
The bird looks great, Gary. That tuft of grass adds a fine balance to the viewing.
Great shot. DOF is right where it needs to be and nice little catchlight in the bird’s eye.

Ian, the back screen tilts up and down so it makes easy to compose without having to lay on the ground or when holding the camera over my head.
Very pleasing composition with excellent foreground, background, detail, color, and light. I have also done this with my Sony camera and find it a little difficult for me to get critical focus using the LCD.
Thanks, David. It’s pretty easy with the a6500 because it has the touch screen. I just leave it on wide continuous focus and then all I have to do is touch the bird on the screen and it will focus at that spot.