To Victory!

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Found this scene between Goldendale, WA and Bickleton, WA.

Specific Feedback

Any comments appreciated.

Technical Details

Canon 5DmkIV; 24/70; 400ISO; F 9.0; 1/2500th.

Jim, I do see the “warrior raising his bow to victory” in that old stump. The angry sky fits the scene well. It would have been good if you could have gotten closer and isolated that stump. (Since I see a fence, I’m guessing that there was a no treaspassing sign nearby…) It’s “legs” look interesting as well.

Mark, I can’t remember if there was a sign, but my belief is whether or not a sign, do not enter without permission, especially when fenced. Thank you very much for commenting. Jim