Tranquil Pool + Repost

This was a very peaceful spot in southern Utah. The color gods were kind, too.

I left the blue in the water, enjoying the contrast to the warmer tones.

D810, 70-200mm

Reposted version:


Harley, this is really simple and clean and I love it! The lone tree and waterfall work perfectly together and as you mentioned the contrasting colors are wonderful. I looked at a vertical crop but I like the this as presented with the canyon walls leading into the scene. No nits from me!

I like the sweep of the composition. Harley, the swing of the tree following the lines of the canyon. The contrast in hues is lovely indeed.

Another great scene from Utah. the yellow tree really grabs the attention. I agree about the blue contrasting nicely with the subtle warm reds.

I like this quiet little scene. I think it makes sense to leave the blue cast in the water. I also like the golden glow reflecting in the water beneath the tree, it is a nice touch. My only suggestion would be to burn down the gray rock cliff in the LRC, to bring more attention back to the center of the image. But overall, this is nice, pleasing image, well done

What a lovely, tranquil scene. The curved gesture of the tree is so graceful. I’m with Ed on the gray rocks on frame right. Maybe burning them down, or warming them up, would make them less distracting at the edge. Wish I was there right now.

Thanks for the comments and thoughts, @Michael_Lowe, @Ed_McGuirk. @Ian_Wolfenden and @Alan_Kreyger. Good suggestions, Ed and Bonnie. I incorporated your ideas for the right wall.

Nice work, Harley. The repost is a noticeable improvement. Now that side feels like it ‘belongs’.

Harley, not sure if I’m late to the game here as I did not catch the date of this posted image. Definitely the second one which actually seems to have a slight bit more pop for some reason. All looks really good to me…:+1:
p.s. I think I know where this site might be…:thinking:

Re-post looks great to me Harley, a subtle but nice improvement.

Gem of a find Harley; so much could be said about the lone tree, where it’s found, how it’s persevered and flourished, etc. The little waterfall and the pool are the perfect accent to this desert beauty.

My first thought before any comments was that grayish right rock. And my first thought was cropping - which I think works and tightens up the presentation. But, your rework certainly takes care of the concern quite nicely.

the blue in the water is working very well too, good choice. I will say any more blue and it might be too much, but you’ve processed this just right (and overall too.)


The colors in this image are terrific. As a lover of the desert and red rock country, I keep looking and marveling at this image. I think I prefer the second post, but would be equally impressed with the first if the second were not here. Question: Do you think the gray stone ledge at the right is too prominent? Should it be partially cropped? Wonderful image.

Really nice Harley. I thing the repost is an improvement, but I also think a 4x5 crop, eliminating most of the right side also works. I love the prime color of the cottonwood and the color combo.