Along The River

Another from my southern Utah trip in October. In this one, the top left corner was white sky, so I took the liberty of making that more cliff. Also, it was rather breezy that morning, so the foreground vegetation shows movement. It does not bother me at all, but…

D810, 24-70mm


Gorgeous Harley! I think you’ve done a fabulous job with the colors, keeping things quite natural. The mix of golds with the cottonwood and reds of the sandstone are just wonderful together.

The only minor suggestion I have would be a slight crop off the right, maybe like 5%. Not sure if you did a gradient or burned down the right edge (which makes sense in keeping and directing the eye towards the middle…) but I’m thinking shaving a little off the right would perhaps accomplish the same thing - space to the right more so than the luminosity keeps my eye on that side. If that makes sense. But that’s pretty dang picky as this is quite beautiful as presented.


Such a beautiful mix of colors Harley, and I agree that they are processed very well.

When I first looked at this, after enjoying the beauty my next thought was that I wished the stream carried a little more to the right. Lon’s crop suggestion might help that; just a tad better balance.

I like this one even better than your last one. Gorgeous colors. I think I would definately crop a little off the right .

I love the color palette in this desert landscape, looks very natural. I like my brother’s crop suggestion as it seems to make the colors even more dominant and places more emphasis on that lovely stream as it winds it 's way through the image. Great work.

Good composition. I like Michael’s crop suggestion.

Hi Harley,

Excellent colors and Michael’s crop improves the composition…Jim

Contrary to others, I think the panorama works for me, though I can see it cropped as Michael’s. I think the color is super lovely and I really like how one tree is “isolated” but still a part of everything else. The Colorado plateau is on my list of places to go, these photographs make me want to go even more. Thanks for sharing, Harley!

Man, you hit the foliage timing just right. This is really pretty. Processing looks great. Scrolling back and forth, while both compositions work, I think I prefer Michael’s crop.

Agreed, Harley. Beautiful scene with great color and nice detail.

Beautiful! What catches me most are the ‘peaceful colors’ and soft contrasts! Such a good example of not needing direct light. I guess it’s a spot in the shade, where the sun hadn’t come (yet)? The yellow trees draw the eye so much that the moving vegetation is not seen right away. I always try using some different shutterspeeds/ISOs to freeze them, because I prefer them sharp myself :wink: . If you hadn’t mentioned the cliff-increase I wouldn’t have thought of it at all.
Liking the original, I do like the suggested crop even better.

Harley, I love the soft light and colors here, perfect conditions for this type of subject. Really nice job of processing the contrast and color in this image. I know a lot of the others comment’s favor a crop from the right. But I like having the three distinct clusters of trees, so like @Adhika_Lie, I favor keeping this as a panoramic. In fact I might even consider taking the pano a step further, with a crop like this rework.

Harley, almost missed this one. A wonderful canyon autumn scene. I really like your second posted image best… :+1: