Creekside in Wyoming with a great sky going on.
Comments, suggestions or critiques are always welcome.
D810, 14-24mm
Creekside in Wyoming with a great sky going on.
Comments, suggestions or critiques are always welcome.
D810, 14-24mm
That’s a really nice image Harley. This particularly dear to a flyfisherman because this is the time of day the bugs come off and the trout get active. You got some great clouds to help this accentuate this image. Some will argue that the shadows need to be lifted but I like this natural look. Good one.
Great sky indeed Harley and an excellent landscape image. I particularly like the light/shadow play in the trees and landscape. I might be inclined to crop some off the bottom, say to just above the cascades. It’s nice that the rocks come to a point and aren’t cut off, but then the cascade is; something is going to be cut off at the bottom and with less at the bottom, even more emphasis is on the sky and clouds. Not a huge deal though, just a thought.
Also agree with Igor that the shadow areas on the right could be lifted just a tad, although the large view opens up quite nicely.
Hi Harley, This is a pleasing capture. I like how well balanced it is. The peak is perfectly in the center and the trees to the left and right lead/dip down to lead the eye there.
The exposure and processing is spot on as well.
I agree with the other comments on the crop, either give a little more space to the rocks coming to a point or capture less of the foreground and use the Anchoring technique to show just a little bit of ground below the trees (like your Ice Fields pic). I don’t think either is better or worse, just different.
Two things I would try are
Beautiful light, and a great sky. I agree with Lon’s crop suggestion. I like the tree shadows pointing into the background. Not sure you would have much luck opening up the darkest shadows, but I do not find them objectionable. Nicely done.
I like the upper part of your composition, Harley. Without knowledge of the scene I can’t say, but barring obstructions I would have included the confluence, as well as the riffles at the bottom. Just feels cut off down there. Also, would you please include your settings, especially shutter speed and focal length. That might enable some viewers to further assess the circumstances.
Harley, I love this, between the clouds and lighting it’s very dramatic. I think your processing is right on the money, and makes the most of the light you had in this scene. I would prefer to see a crop from the bottom, just below the spotlit rocks in the LRC. I think this crop would strengthen the tree shadows on the gravel, and make them more of a lead-in to the rest of the scene. I too hope we also get to see a B&W version of this from you.
Real nice, Harley. Awesome clouds and your framing provides nice balance, bringing the eye to the peak. Personally, I like the composition as-is and don’t see a better crop. Processing looks good but, at least on my monitor, I could see lifting the shadows just a tad.
I love the sense of vastness the this image portrays. Then there is the manner in which the light is hitting the landscape … provides a lot of depth to the composition and also helps to give emphasis to the peak in the distance. Finally, those clouds are like icing on a cake.
Beautifully done Harley.