Tucked away Falls in SW Colorado


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Nice shot Jim. The bright sky at the top is a bit distracting. Maybe a tighter crop?

I really like the foreground cascade. I assume this is an exposure blend, or did you just adjust the shadows?

Monte. You are right…I darkened thr top and cropped a bit. Better?

Bill. Thanks for the reply. Both…Blend + shadows.

That helped a lot Jim. I noticed you darkened the shadows as well, which looks nice.

The darker shadows definitely helped to bring more of the focus on the water.

I like the original composition as much as the rework. Great colors and detail throughout but the star of the show is that yellow rock with water cascading over it. The surrounding water is really well processed as well. A fine image.

I prefer the spaciousness of the uncropped version. There’s really good flow in the composition. The bright sky isn’t a bid deal for me. But approaches you could try is a cooler balance for the sky to give the impression of blue sky. Or blowing it out even further in a controlled way, very in vogue in landscape photography over the past few years. However the main change I would go for is brightening the waterfall in the background so you get the eye moving forward all the way through your excellent composition.

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Thanks Igor. Appreciate your comments.

Great call Kah on lightening up the waterfall to draw the eye.

Appreciate your comments.


Thanks Jason for your comments.


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Just a thought and totally a personal preference, but for my eyes some the greens are shifted more toward yellows. Maybe play with the Selective Color adjustment and shift the yellows in the vegetation; darker and more toward green.
FYI…been at this location in the fall; some nice color change on the deciduous bushes.

Hey Ken,

Good call on the color tones. Will go back and attempt a small change.



This is a great photograph. I really like the composition, and the movement of the water in the foreground. Were you standing in the water for this angle? I’m wondering if half a step to the left would open the up the view to the waterfall in the background. It’s hard to give suggestions especially when I think composition is my weakest skill. I’ve never been to this spot, but would love to see it in person someday.

I don’t think I could provide any additional feedback other than what has already been said. This looks like a location that you could return to every season, and get great results every time. Well done.

Hey Ryan,
Thanks for the comments. No, not standing in the water (although did have my waders on), had to stand on a large rock. Facing the falls I could have moved left a foot or so but could not move to the right as there was a deep pool there.

Thanks again.


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A good photograph, Jim. I prefer the original version and think that careful dodging and burning will dial in the image and take the eyes where they should go. My only suggestion for potential improvement would be to let us see a little more of the cascade at the bottom edge of the frame. It feels a wee bit truncated but it doesn’t hurt the image IMO. Nice job!

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Jim, it’s interesting to see the comments you’ve gotten here, and the roadmap of making changes to a re-processed version. I prefer the original composition, but like the darker shadows in version 2, the they make it look more realistic, and less of an HDR feel.

But the thing that jumped out at me right away was the same comment you got from Ken about the greens being shifted too much to the yellow. This was especially an issue for me on the boulder in the center of the stream, it just seemed off somehow. I’m a bit less bothered by the yellow-green in the midground, but I think Ken’s suggestion would improve the shot.

Thanks Michael for your comments. Will take a shot at shifting the greens to more green and less yellow…not real savvy regarding color adjustments. I think I can work on that in LR.

Thanks again.


Regarding truncating at the bottom this was as wide as I could get. To the right of my perch on a rock and downstream was a deep pool.

Thanks again.


Hello Ed,
Actually I agree…like the original crop better but do need to work on some dodging and burning to the image.

My post-processing skills are not my long-suit :slight_smile:

