Somewhat Hidden Gem

This is a waterfall that in the last couple of years has been a favorite of mine because it is somewhat off trail. But it’s exposure has led it to an increased popularity that has widen that once narrow boot path.
This is a 2 shot blend. First shot was taken for the water and the second for everything else.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Open to any suggestions.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Always open to any suggestions.

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What a great shot! I love how the water in the foreground narrows into the frame to those smaller waterfalls. That water is blurred just enough to show motion and not just one blurry mass. With the eye following the water it ends with that great fall on the right. Of course everything is surrounded by lush, green vegetation. My only comment, and it’s a small one, is that the patches of sky at the top of the frame are mildly distracting. Perhaps they could be cloned or cropped out. Nonetheless, this is a wonderful scene with a great composition.

What a beautiful scene. I love the way the foreground water sets the scene and draws me in. I’m thinking, though, that the very lowermost part of the foreground isn’t adding to the scene, and it makes it feel unbalanced. I think if you cropped a bit off the bottom, it would be more balanced, but you wouldn’t lose any of the really interesting bits.

Beautiful shot, Greg. The composition works well and the mist adds some nice atmosphere. I agree with Marc that those bright spots at the top are mildly distracting but could easily be cropped/cloned.

Greg, you have great structure in the foreground water. The falls and mist at the back add well to the scene. The bright sky through the trees is a distraction that can be cropped. However, getting the details that you show in the rest of the scene would be very hard under a bright sunny sky.

Greg, What a beautiful falls this is and I love how you photographed it. All the mist in the air is such a nice touch and I like the other smaller falls along with it. Excellent composition. I agree the patches of sky at the top seem to distract a little and some cloning might help. Beautiful image!

Thanks @Nick_Bristol, @Mark_Seaver, @Dave_Dillemuth, @Bonnie_Lampley, @Marc_McCann for the input and suggestions. I took everyone suggestions and made modifications in the shot below. Even though I often have the sky in my waterfall shots I didn’t see anything redeeming in leaving the sky here and cropped most of it out. Which also took out some of the lower part per Bonnie’s suggestion and re centered the shot. This shot was taken at about 9:00 in the morning on an overcast day so the white you see was clouds and not the sun filtering through. If that had been the case I probably would try to incorporate it into the shot as I have many times before with rays etc… Thanks again for the input.


Beautiful waterfall scene and image. The repost has cleared up my main suggestions and fortunate you had enough room up top that even the crop leaves enough comfortable space.

My very first reaction was how the water upfront is a bit deceiving. At least for me, I can’t tell if it’s coming or going. It really feels like the water is flowing away from the viewer, but of course logic says otherwise. Still, an engaging effect. The colors and mist are great too.


Thanks @Lon_Overacker. To be honest I don’t think that thought has entered my mind, especially when the waterfall is visible.