Up, up, up and away

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in southern Colorado is a gem. It can be a challenge to visit and photograph due to the many other visitors. I was there for two overnights and quickly discovered that going out in the very early morning, especially after a windy night, and at a distance from the parking lot, allowed me to see the dunes with few tracks of people. Walking on the dunes is a challenge, of course, but spectacular views of these open spaces are easy to find without excessive exertion. I found the quality of the light to be key, both the color and the shadows and blue skies made it all pop!

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Technical Details

Pentax K-7, 1/500, f/7.4, 230mm, ISO200 with adjustments to tone curves in LR


Great shapes and texture. Also like the colors. Maybe an alternative crop could be to also include the first curve turning to the right (if at all possible due to the circumstances at site).