Vibrant Yellow Rose

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This was taken in a public park at sunset. I have a couple of technical questions:
What is the editing technique to cleanly remove the small leaves on the stems? In Lightroom, the removal tool is pretty good but when it’s an area that touches a dark color, the replacement “smears” , “bleeds” a dark streak.
And is it preferred if all blossom edges are cleaned of blemishes in color or dark areas?

Specific Feedback

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Technical Details

Fuji XT-5, 70-300mm at 200mm, f6.4

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Lovely, Meredith. I like the soft focus and the background is wonderful. That water drop or whatever it is on the bottom of the stem does tend to attract my eye but some careful cloning would take care of it pretty easily.

What a lovely rose. Kudos on the way you arranged the background, with the purple going to green, and no distracting elements.

As far as removing bits, LR isn’t the best option. PS does a much better job. The content-aware fill action works wonders. I know the latest version of PS has improved such tools even more, but I don’t have that version so can’t speak to it. But even the older versions do a MUCH better job for removing bits than does LR.

For me, the only little bit that feels out of place is that bright thing at the bottom. The little leaves don’t bother me at all.

Absolutely gorgeous!! I love the colors, with the mauve in the BG being repeated in the petals!

PS is definitely the place to do fine detail work like removing the stuff on the stems, but it is natural and doesn’t really bother me. It can be done very nicely but will involve some microsurgery. I would zoom way in and do some careful cloning. It will be tricky to match the gradient for the larger leaf (or whatever it is called) on the lower left. The trick is to carefully clone a small area that will separate it from the stem and then circle it with the Patch Tool and drag that area to a nearly clear spot. Like magic, it will fill in the proper gradient. It is amazing.

I would consider a slight darkening or saturation reduction on the area in the UL. It is very pretty but pulls the eye a little. I also wonder about just a little more Highlight reduction for a little more detail in the brightest petals.

But all in all, those are just enhancements to an already gorgeous image!

Great eye, as usual. I’ll catch that bright spot.

Thanks for the editing information. I’ve got the latest version of Photoshop so I’ll learn it better.