Walking grace and a dog

Found this walking beauty on a local hike. California coastal oaks have amazing texture and shapes.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any feedback

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

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Canon 5d m iv, 30 mm, f/6.3, 1/40 sec

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I like this image very much Lana. The tree is really interesting, I’d like to name it the Tripod Tree :smile:

I am also a big fan of cool toned B&W images, and I think the toning is very nicely done here. The toning does some nice things in the trees. I also like the dead center placement of the tree, with the echos of the other trees in the background. My only suggestion for improvements would be to crop or clone away the bright white sky in the upper left corner, it is an eye magnet. But that is a nit, overall this is very nicely done.

This tree is a worthy subject and you have presented it very well. I also like the uniform leaf floor that works nicely in B&W. As @Ed_McGuirk suggested the little bit of white sky on the left is a distraction that I would remove. Your processing looks spot on for my taste, well done!

@Ed_McGuirk, @Alan_Kreyger the Tripod Tree name works for me . Or we can call it Lady with Monopod ;->

Thank you for your comment about ULC. I was not sure if I should leave that partial opening there or not. This is reworked version.

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