Description: Miserable lighting the other morning and was forced by the heavy clouds to use high ISO’s. While attempting to photograph some flying tree swallows, I noticed that one of these characters was checking out my rig and curiosity got the tree swallow.
Specific Feedback Requested:
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
D500 600mm f4 (1/1600 sec at f7.1, ISO 1400) Crop for comp, Levels, DeNoise, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast. I used the rubber stamp tool with a layer set to Lighten to reduce some haloing between the white feathers & BG.
Is this a composite? No
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Excellent portrait of this guy, Jim. They always have a rather pugnacious look, particularly when they’re head on like this. Nice job on the blues and whites.
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Wonderful image and portrait. I like the composition very much. Perhaps F8 would have put the posterior plumage and better focus but I’m fine with the way it is.
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Interesting facial look with the flattened beak. Nice wing feather detail a lovely job with the whites too.
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Jim, I just love the face. Face on shots of birds are just special to me. I also love his color, so this is a special shot for me. I think you managed it very well considering the light.
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What an impressive portrait - I really like the way the colors are shown in this light ! Great work ! Hans
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Fantastic detail – I can’t imaging getting this close to a swallow. The curve of the white breast makes a wonderful design element, and the wing feathers make leading lines to that amazing face!! 11/10.
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Hi Jim, very fine portrait of this swallow - a unique image. Exposure looks really fine. Love the head on look. well done.
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Hi Jim
Great job. I love your swallow’s expression. The detain and eye contact are great.
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