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It’s quite lovely the way the direction of rock banding goes with the flow of the water. That glimpse of the underlying rock, especially the warmer tones, really makes this. I also like the drops you caught in mid-air.
Hm, my initial impression is that my eyes wander around a bit without a clear direction where to go. I feel that the right hand side is quite interesting with the splash but then the texture on the rock is also extremely pleasing and the two, for some reasons, do not come together as a coherent subject. But the more I look at it after I read your description about the waterfall, the more I can enjoy the scene. It does take some imagination though. I can picture myself sitting there and I think I can hear the roar of the waterfall. And the image then becomes more enjoyable.
This is really quite interesting in how you’ve captured this. I mean, clearly you went with the fast shutter speed to freeze the water, creating nice detail and implied action - rushing water, etc. And for that this works beautifully; and there’s a nice balance between water and rock.
What is interesting to me and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, is that the fast shutter speed and frozen water detail competes somewhat with the rock. Certainly looks like there’s interesting color, detail, shapes, etc. in the rock itself. There’s no right or wrong here at all, but just wondering the impact with a slower shutter speed and blurred, silky water would do? Would the rock become more of the subject and the flowing water secondary? I don’t know, but curious on what you were after here. Thanks!
Here are two alternatives of approximately the same scene with different settings and different camera. Without an extensive search on my discs for the original images (both good and bad) these are the only two available. Next trip I’ll take the tripod and hope that the water flow is similar. Not a tripod person… It usually stays in the trunk.