
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Here are a couple more watersnakes I found in the spillway pool last week. I think they are waiting for a fish to show in the spillway. I believe the top snake may be about ready to shed its skin since its eye looks rather cloudy and its scales appear duller than the snake on the bottom.

Specific Feedback

Any comments appreciated. I narrowed the aperture on this shot to get more DOF on the two snakes.

Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III
ISO 2500, f14, 1/400s, hand held

Processed in DXO Pure Raw 3 then Photoshop

1 Like

Fantastic capture! An opportunity that only happens on very rare occasions!

Well captured @Allen_Sparks ! - only minor suggestion would be to to darken the brighter areas above via a linear gradient