
Macro photography takes me to a different world as it increases my curiosity to look for tiny elements in nature and this was one such, I captured at an urban wetland park during the evening hours. I personally love the negative space on the right and therefore didn’t crop.

Specific Feedback Requested

Critical comments in further improving my photography.

Technical Details

Canon 70 D with 100 mm macro lens. Set ISO into auto. Aperture f/8, shutter speed 125, ISO 6400 focal length 100 mm, hand held

What a super little creature. Looks like its about to open up those elytra and take off. I think the use of negative space emphasizes that aspect. Maybe a tiny bit more contrast in the bug itself? You don’t say what software you use, but masking the bug and applying the adjustment to just it should be doable in whatever you work in. Nice shot.

Oh yes, I’m with you on a whole “different world” when we go looking for tiny insects. This is a real beauty. Nice details, and I love the color contrast of the reds against the greens, as well as the shades of greens. His position is unusual, which made getting a shot that included his colorful back a nice pose, rather than shooting down on him. He just looks like he is standing on his hind legs and holding on with the front ones. Very nice.

This is one good looking weevil. The composition, although not standard for this type of image, works very well. Well done…Jim

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I like looking for small insects like this. The sharpness and soft background really helped bring out the details. Excellent photo.

Hi Kristen thank you so much for all comments. I used Photoshop to make minor editing.

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