What a Disappointment... - WC 876

Throught Id submit this shot from Cape Disappointment in Ilawco, WA last spring. I feel it’s a little over baked, and not as sharp as I wanted but it was the first time shooting under these conditions for me. Let me m know what you think!

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That’s one heck of a wave, Jordan. I do think the softness is a bit of an issue, particularly since it makes the processing of the shadows much more difficult. It’s an awesome scene and I love th elements and composition.

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Jordan, It would help if you were to include your shooting information. Depending on the weather, this can be a very difficult place to obtain good shots. If you return, be sure to take shots from different places. I know most people want to shoot from one particular location, but interesting shots can be had from other places. If you are fortunate enough to be there when the sun is out (it really does shine there on occasion), shooting the backside of waves can result in some wonderful photos (can get rainbow effect). The logs on the jetty rocks in foreground can be cropped out. It does need to be sharper, but I like that you were able to coordinate the wave and the lighthouse light. The clouds look good and including the ever present birds is nice too.

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Yeah - I wish we had better light, but this was actually one of the few times it wasn’t raining sideways lol. I just couldn’t get a fast enough shutter without a really high ISO

I do also have a version sans log. I’m on the fence, I kinda like the context but wish I had more of it.

Jordan, that is quite the splash. Getting that along with the light house light being shows careful timing. The overall stormy mood comes through very well. I think the bit of land in the foreground adds to the view by balancing the land and the splash. To me, cropping the foreground emphasizes the splash.


Very powerful with great, moody atmosphere. I think the softness here actually accentuates the mood - and understandably, the misty/foggy/wet conditions are simply a fact of the scene. What really strikes me is the inclusion of the light hours AND the timing of getting the lamp shining. Awesome!

As far as the log, I think it’s one of those in between situations. Either need to see a bit more if wanting to anchor and/or frame the scene, OR - not at all and let the wave anchor the scene. But not a huge deal; you’ve included enough to tell the viewer it was your intention to include, and that works too.


That is quite a wave! And a great stormy background for it too. I could see cropping out the log, but not a biggie to me either way. Real nice scene.