In case ya missed the previous posts, this is the 3rd in a series of river images from the Stanislaus river in which Highway 108 follows for a good ways thru the western Sierra.
I could sit next to a river like this for hours. The sound is hypnotic and staring too long can make you dizzy. I ponder what happens to the molecule of water that just passed me - how to reach the Pacific ocean? And then to be able to capture this in a moment in time - a moment I can’t see with my eyes, but can imagine. What will the rushing water reveal in a half second exposure? or 1 second? Form and texture are revealed, yet we can’t really “see” until that moment has been recorded. I don’t know why. I’m just enamored with it all.
Lon, another very fine take on this area of the river. All technical(s) look good to me…
Not sure why but this stuff plays tricks with my eyes when I first open up the regular size image. Almost looks like the stuff is actually moving, which is a good thing, right?..or is it a sign of me just being old and need my eyes checked?..
Your comment on the subject overall sure has credence in wondering how many folks lose site of our natural world and how it is under such pressure from mankind. I know a scuba instructor very well that travels the world and that molecule of water you mention might just be impregnated with micro-plastics. He has seen it all I’m afraid. The lost respect and understanding for that one molecule of water in it’s support of our world is daunting…
Lon, Love looking at this picture and also enjoyed reading your thoughts. I often get thoughts much the same when near rivers and streams. I can just hear the sounds while looking at this. Wonderful!! Processing looks great as well.
You are on a roll with these intimate river scenes, Lon. I also love the commentary as it is very thought provoking. Much the same feeling I have in Acadia while listening to the wave action roll the cobble stones; like music to the ear. The processing is superb as usual and I love the details and textures in the water.
Hi Lon, hope you keeping well. This is a really lovely image of flowing water. It’s pretty mesmerising. On a critcial note, I feel that the darker section in the lower left corner breaks the flow of the image and is slightly distracting.
The textures, hightlights and contrast look spot on.
Hi Lon, This is very nice. It is so interesting to see what different shutter speeds due to a scene like this. Your .6 sec has worked well to convey the dynamic nature of flowing water. Processing looks good. Only suggestion would be to raise the luminosity in the highlights in the upper right quadrant of the image similar to the brighter areas in the rest of the image. I think this will achieve a better overall balance.
Lon, I like the composition, and I like the way the flow streams look especially in the ULC, and LRC. I’m with @Dave_Dillemuth, I think the URC needs more luminosity and vibrace, i think it would help to balance the image better. I might also doge the rock slightly to make it pop a little more.
A beautiful scene, Lon. Love the texture of the water as well as the flow of the scene. The left side catches my attention somewhat and I think I might be tempted to crop about 10% off the left.
I think all good calls = increasing luminosity in the two opposing corners. and Bill, even your crop helps with the darker lower left corner darkness. I think the finishing touch would be increasing, spotlighting the submerged rock a bit - good feedback Ed M.
Sorry haven’t had much seat time lately for images so I haven’t spend time reworking this one. But for sure I’ll tweak it before posting to my website…
I think I’m done with the submerged rock… but not with the river. Hope to post again in the coming days.