I am interested in landscapes that play at the edges of the categories of human and nature and show how they intertwine. This is a reflection under the bridge of a local ravine. I like the ghostly quality and the way the tree seems to replace one of the supporting arches. I also like the sense of nature coming from below or perhaps of nature that existed before and still underpins and supports the city.
Type of Critique Requested
- Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
- Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.
- Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.
Specific Feedback and Self-Critique
Processed with some warming on the black and white conversion to hint a sepia tone and older print. It is meant to be slightly abstract but I was limited in framing choices. The picture is inverted which is why the river at the bottom has odd mirrored banks. It is an experiment, all feedback welcomed.
Technical Details
ISO 6400; aps-c 27mm; f13; 1/40 sec (can’t recall if I had a tripod that day)