When the call came

So I guess little weird seeds in snow aren’t too popular, so back to ferns. This is more rock cap fern I believe since I found them on top of a boulder and that kind of fern loves to take advantage of debris and newly forming soil that develops up there. They are one of the only bits of greenery we have in a northern winter and by the end of the season my eyes are fairly starving for it.

Specific Feedback Requested

Ideas and insights are welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
handheld most likely


Lr processed for some tonal management especially in the highlights. Also some texture & clarity added in addition to a lowered black point. Played in the color sliders a bit for the right glow since it was sort of backlit by the reflection of the light from the snow under the fronds.


Well you sure landed a nice one here, Kris. I really like the positioning of the fronds in the frame, and the green is so stark against the white. Just awesome. I am curious about your choice of aperture though. I think I would have chosen a something for more depth.


I like the shape and positioning of these ferns in your composition. I also like how there are small bits of snow scattered on the ferns, which adds a lot to the image IMO. I’m not familiar with this species, do these ferns remain green all winter long?

I suspect you went with narrow DOF here to get more subject/background separation. I think it mostly works, but my only wish would be for slightly more sharpness in the front of the fern on the right

Thanks @David_Bostock & @Ed_McGuirk - I can’t quite recall why so wide open, but I probably should have stopped down a bit more for additional sharpness. The background is pretty blank so it would have probably worked.

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Very nice! You found a very pleasing composition here, with wonderful detail in both the fern and the snow. I like the bits of snow on the fern and the framing.

It’s unique to me to think of ferns being green in your cold winters.

Thanks @Diane_Miller - rock cap is one of three ferns I know of that stay green for a year at a time, including a winter - Christmas and evergreen are the other two. We have rock cap and evergreen in Wisconsin, but I’ve never seen Christmas fern here. It’s kind of a miniature Sword fern found in the redwood forests and the temperate rain forests of the Pac-NW.

We just got probably another 8 inches of snow yesterday so I probably won’t be seeing green ferns for a while. Gotta go start up the snowblower soon. When it gets above 10 though.

I love the simplicity of this piece and seeing all of that green on a snowy background is definitely something special.

I played with it a bit in Photoshop just to see what I might have done with it. Pretty much everything below is personal taste, but I thought you might like to see the result.

What I did was:

  1. Boosted the contrast for just the fern.
  2. Removed a pink color cast from the snow.
  3. Edited out any leaf blemishes.
  4. Tightened the crop a bit.
  5. Added an ever so slight vignette just to pull the eyes in from the edges.
  6. Edited out the top out of focus stem.

That is a little different, @Adam_Klaum - I’m glad you had fun with it. I love winter ferns.