Whispers on the wind (+1 re-edit)

A slight darkening of the foreground elements -

A sunrise shoot on Caddo Lake in Uncertain, Texas with a little mist remaining. The fog was much heavier before the sun crested, then burned off quickly. I was well into some weeds and trees to get away from some wicked loud air boats that came through the back part of this shot. They shattered our peace for sure.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any thoughts and cc are welcome. It isn’t perfect, but I like it.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Handheld in a kayak


Lr processed for the basics and a big crop to straighten a crazy horizon line.

1 Like

WOW! The stately old cypress are wonderful and they seem to go on forever into the distance! Blues, greens and golds are so lovely. My only thought might be a subtle darker vignette from the bottom to push my eyes back into the distance.

Thanks so much @Diane_Miller - these weren’t the oldest ones we encountered, but they were pretty big. I’ve added a second shot up top with your suggestions.