White entrance to a dark forest

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any comment.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?How is the composition for the title I gave this image ?

Any pertinent technical details:I made the background a bit more blue and darker to let the trees come out better. I used as always the TK actions from Tony Kuyper.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Your processing enhances the 3 dimensional effect of the image and gives it more room for the viewer to explore. I feel like I’m there and I want to explore what’s beyond.

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I love this type of image and I really like what you’ve done here. Your post processing and especially making the background darker and cooler was a really smart move and I love the bright whitish trees in the foreground. Overall, super!

Thank you, Tom. for a helpful comment.

Thank you Patricia. Your nice comment let me see that I am on the right way to make good images.

This is very nice! I appreciate the fact that you have retained the complexity offered by such woodland scenes. Far too often photographers tend to simplify their compositions too much. This photograph goes against that trend and the result speaks for itself.

Look forward to seeing more of your work here Ben.

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I love the composition. I am always jealous of those who can compose scenes like this. I’ve never managed to create a nice photograph out of a busy forest (and I’ve tried!). I really like your processing on the darker trees. The whites look just a touch hot to my eye. There is also something small and red in the lower right part of the frame that I’d clone out.

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This is a wonderful image, Ben! I love the “window” into the forest behind, and the juxtaposition of the bright and dark trees. My only notes are:

  • I agree with Lyle the whites are a bit hot - not that I mind if highlights are technically blown in some instances for artistic effect, but here it seems particularly those on the main tree’s trunk look blown and could have some detail recovered. Though the image has contrasting elements, I would still say it’s a softer/lower-contrast image with soft light, and so I wouldn’t push the highlights quite that hard.
  • On that note, you could darken/dim some of the highlights on the very edges of the frame, to help keep exploring eyes in the scene and reduce tension.
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Upon quick first impression I thought this comp was a bit imbalanced, weighing heavier with the main tree on the left. But if we’re fair, we should always give images time and a 2nd and 3rd review. I think your title and description and goals in processing reveal the very thoughtful composition and vision for this image. Impressive.

To top this off, like your previous image, the colors and tonality here are wonderful - almost unique. Maybe it’s the region, the diffused lighting, not sure. but regardless I think you’ve handled the tone and color balance beautifully.

I do still have a suggestion, and this has already been noted. But I’ll agree that the tree trunk is a bit too bright. Maybe the highest values throughout the rest of the main tree are a bit bright. Not sure how much was intent in processing, but at least I think the trunk is too bright. This could be toned down without losing the effect of the “entrance” to the darker forest. My only other wish, and I thought I weaker point on first impression was the tree on the right isn’t all that strong in holding that right side of the frame. Then again, it still works and supports the subtle brilliance here.


Thank you,Anil. Your comment is given me the spirit to go on. And try more of these compositions.

Thank you ,Lyle. For a helping comment.

Thank you, Alex. I am happy with your suggestions. Although I think it’s also a question of taste. But still you are helping me to find how it should be.

Thank you, Lon. What a nice long comment. I think the bright issue is a question of taste and on my monitor it isn’t to much. But I love these kind of comments and they help me to much finding the good way in photography . Hope to learn more from you in the future.

Excellent work. I hope you stick around. The composition is complex as befits a forest scene yet balanced. The viewer looks at the tree yet there is enough to explore that the eye keeps moving into the woods. I also like the somewhat cool color palette.

Thank you, Igor for your nice comment. And yes I am planning to stay.

This looks like a typical Dutch woodland scene on sandy soil. I like the way you created depth in this image. Also the touch of frost helps separating the trees and branches. You did a good job creating order out of this scene. The following is just personal, I know the bark of these trees, the blue tone looks a bit unnatural to me.

Thank you for a good comment. Igor.

Beautiful shot, I love the colors, composition and cold mood. I find myself wanting to see a bit more of the fg but I’m sure there is a reason you cropped there. I would reduce the highlights on the branch on the right.

Blake, thank you for your reaction. I used for this image 16:9 because the front part was a bit unsharp. The branch is a bit bright. For me it gives some direction to the eye into the forest.
The overal color isn’t as I have here at home on my calibrated Eizo monitor. Here it’s even more bright.
Thank you again, I love different visions on my images. Will you let me know if you received this message. It is all a bit new to me on NPN.

Hope to get more of your valued critiques. Ben van der Sande

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Got it! You are very welcome Ben